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 network installationnetwork installation [ Michael Kane ]
Tuesday, 10-Apr-2007, 16:02

I have downloaded the noncommercial version for evaluation. This is version 2.6.7. Can this be installed as a network application? I tried, using the -s olfolder= olowner= etc. parameters, with no success. I did not know if I was not punctuating correctly, or is networking not available in the noncommercial version?


 network installation [ ObjectLand Support ]
Tuesday, 10-Apr-2007, 17:44

There are 2 stages for using ObjectLand by network.

1. Installation on network.

For such installation you need to execute:
NC.ObjectLand.2.6.7.exe -a

The only question asked is about selecting a disk and a folder where the system being installed will be located. By default the installation program offers to use the folder “C:\NetSetup”, however, the you can indicate any folder on file server or on any disk accessible in local network. All ObjectLand components and files required for local installation from the server will be copied to the indicated folder.

2. Installation from network on client (in other words, network installation).

A user need to run setup.exe from a folder selected at stage 1.

Following installation types are available:
Compact network – all components remain at the server, only shortcuts on network files will be created on client machine .
Complete – all components are copied to the local disk.
Custom – enables the user to select which system components should be installed on the local disk.
ObjectLand COM server installation – permits using functional capabilities of ObjectLand in other Windows applications.
Typical network – recommended. Most files remain on the server.

Note: Server is any available computer. I.e. this scenario (stages 1 and 2) may be tested on the same machine. 

 network installation [ ObjectLand Support ]
Tuesday, 10-Apr-2007, 19:06

One more question: Where you have found such parameters of a command line? It seems that you have met our bug.

The bug becomes apparent during a launch without parameters as an message with "Invalid command line" title. The bug encounters only when ObjectLand installation was launched from folder with path name that contains characters with ASCII code > 127, i.e. contains some national characters.

If that's the case then a workaround - please run installation program from path name that contains only latin or numeric characters.

This error has been introduced by a bug in InstallShield 11.5 tool and and has been found out by us after release of 2.6.7 version. The bug fixed now and will not be in the next versions.

 network installation [ Michael Kane ]
Thursday, 12-Apr-2007, 02:20

Thank you for your reply.

I am thinking that there is possibly an artifact of my machine that is creating the problem or that I cannot install a network version of Objectland from a machine that has Objectland installed locally.

The machine summary is below,

• OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
• Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
• OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
• System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
• System Model HP d530 CMT(PB075U)
• System Type X86-based PC
• Processor x86 Family 15 Model 3 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2793 Mhz
• BIOS Version/Date Hewlett-Packard 786B2 v2.43, 8/10/2004
• SMBIOS Version 2.3

What I did was download “NC.Objectland.2.6.7.exe into my download directory (C:\downloads\programcontainers)

To install on my C drive I had no problems. I installed Objectland and then (without uninstalling it) tried to install it as a network application.

I went to the ObjectLand Help and obtained the following instructions:

Performing installation on network

For performing installation on network from CD-ROM disk one should find an installation program setup.exe in CD-ROM root folder (or in the CD-ROM copy on a hard disk) and run this program with a parameter “-a”:

setup -a

For installation on network from a compact distributive it is required to execute a file Objectland.X.Y.Z.exe (X.Y.Z is the number of ObjectLand version being installed) with the same parameter, for example:

Objectland.2.6.1 -a –a

I tried to install from both the “START”> “RUN” command box as follows:

NC.Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a

This results in a standard install on the local machine; i.e., the same as doubleclicking the executable.

I then tried (from the “START” > “RUN” box:

NC.Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a –a

This results in the error.
Setup.exe [-a] -s olFolder=<folder> olOwner=<owner>
olComany-<company> olSerial=<serial_number>
Installation on network
-s -olFolder=... -olOwner=... -olComany-... olSerial=...
Silent installation of ObjectLand COM Server.
Specify folder and registration data.

I then tried using “Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a –a” (rather than “NC.Objectland.exe –a –a” (getting desparate)) as well as trying to install all variations of the file name from the command line in the C root directory. Everything works the same. In other words, I always get the error when using “NC.Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a –a” or a “cannot find error” from Windows when I am using “Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a –a” because it is obviously a bad filename. I was just hoping it might work.

I guess I should uninstall Objectland from my “C” drive and then try to install it as a network application. I have not tried that because I did not want to uninstall Objectland. My purpose for downloading Objectland was to experiment with editing Shapefiles and Shapefile tables as well as trying to learn how it works. We intend to develop a GIS for our munipality and are evaluating software.

Let me know what you think.


 network installation [ ObjectLand Support ]
Thursday, 12-Apr-2007, 12:56

Hello Michael,

1. We apologize for obsolete information in the Help. At present time the right syntax for installation on network: <file_name> -a

I.e. in your case: NC.Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a

The rest in article is correct.

2. A little more on difference between a local installation and a network one.

They differ only with a location of ObjectLand files. In case of local installation the ObjectLand files are located on local disk (by default "C:\Program Files\ObjectLand"). For network installation the files may be distributed between a local computer and a server. For example - marginal cases, "Compact network" – all components remain at the server, only shortcuts on network files will be created on client machine, "Complete" – all components are copied to the local disk (such installation is absolutely identical with standard installation). In other words an installation on network results in creating set of files on server that are used for executing local installations and in run-time.

Accordingly you cannot have standard and network installation at the same time on the client.

My advise for following experiments:
1. Uninstall the current ObjectLand installation.
2. Run "NC.Objectland.2.6.7.exe –a" for installation on network.
Keep a default path of installation as "C:\NetSetup".
3. Run setup.exe in "C:\NetSetup" folder and select "Compact network" installation type.
4. Now have a look at "C:\Program Files\ObjectLand" folder. It was not created! Installation have created only shortcuts and corresponding records in registry.

In future (after uninstalling network installation) you can delete "C:\NetSetup" painlessly. It is nothing but a heap of files.

Please fill free to ask any questions you may have.

 network installation [ Michael C. Kane ]
Friday, 13-Apr-2007, 18:10

Thanks. I have decided, in order to save time, to keep my evaluation copy on a local machine. Our main objectives are:
1. Can we manage existing Shapefile layers (polygon, point and text) easily using Objectland?
2. Does Objectland's Shapefile editor work easily?
3. Our aerial photography is in TIF files. It does not seem that Objectland uses TIF's. I am looking into converting our TIF's.
4. To set things up is time consuming because we would have to re-project everything and I'm not sure how much trouble that will be.
5. Can Objectland work with GPS devices?
6. Will the data formats that will eventually exist inside Objectland be portable to other systems without extensive conversion problems?

Ultimately, we are trying to have a system that we can operate "inhouse" so we can maintain tight control over the data and any projects we initiate. We have many in mind and don't want to build a system that is not portable to other industry-available systems.


 network installation [ ObjectLand Support ]
Monday, 16-Apr-2007, 11:44

As an answer to šš.1,2,6 it is necessary to notice: ObjectLand has an own internal data structure(not SHP format). For using data from other system you must convert these data via built-in importers (MIF/MID, SHP, DXF) or programmatically, via COM wrappers of these importers. With noncommercial version you can evaluate an ease of data editing. At any moment you can export your data backwards (built-in exporters).

3. You are right, ObjectLand uses BMP files at uploading rasters. It is clear, inside database it stores raster data in own compressed format.
4. -
5. Objectland does not work with GPS devices for the present.

Thanks for the interest.


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